Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Tell Them From Me Survey - Where does all that data go?

It is that time of the year as schools are looking to gather data to analyze, plan ahead and justify decisions and directions for future growth.  It is no different at Holy Spirit School as students in grade 4 to 6 spent some time completing the annual Tell Them from Me Survey.  This year the students will find the Alberta Education Accountability Pillar survey embedded for students to complete.  As an annual check-up on the education system, the Accountability Pillar provides an opportunity for Alberta Education and school authorities to ensure that we are equipping students for success. 

Many times we wonder where does all the data from any survey go?  We are often discouraged to complete surveys as we have no opportunity to discuss results and see the fruits of our opinions and viewpoints.  Does the survey really matter? Will my voice be heard? 

The following link  Tell Them From Me Snapshot are the results from 160 Holy Spirit students taking the time to try to make our school a more engaged, safe, and positive teaching and learning environment. 

The results of this survey did not go into a black hole of data. To honour the data was important. "The Voice" of the student echoed loud and clear, supplying the adults with food for thought and direction for action and change.  The administration took the time to share these results with all stakeholders in our community.  It was exciting to take this data and go class to class to discuss the students input and identify trends with the students.  Students were able to see some of their responses that identified their comparative data to the Canadian Norm.  How do we compare to the typical Canadian student?  Sample of the snapshot powerpoint below.

 Students were excited to see that their voice has made an impact in decision making in a short time.  The voices were heard - Holy Spirit has changed to a staggered lunch time to allow for more safety, space and serenity on the playfield and in the lunchroom and hallways....Thank You students for your voice.  The student came up with the WITS program (Walk Away, Ignore, Talk it out, Seek Help http://www.witsprogram.ca/) that has been shared with staff to deal with bullying and peer victimization......Thank You students for your voice. The students wanted to share their resiliency techniques with their peers.....Thank You students for your voice (see attached powerpoint).  The list goes on and on and the students hopefully see and feel their voice in and around our building.  Who better to ask about the state of our school than the students themselves.  This anonymous survey allowed for a voice where they could be heard. 


The staff had an opportunity to view and discuss the trends, concerns, areas for improvement, celebrate successes and breakdown what makes Holy Spirit such a special place.  The results were also shared at school council and posted on the school website; inviting the parent community to dig a little deeper and listen to the students.  Your feedback is encouraged to share your viewpoint with administration.  So many times we think we know our students and what they want and how they feel.  Rather than impose our knowledge on these students, the value of the survey allows the student to show us how they feel and share their voice.  There is so much value in their voice but it is up to us to listen and learn from them.

The trends and information that we gained was incredibly valuable and reinforced to staff that we have amazing students at Holy Spirit School that are leaders and love the place that they come each and every day to learn, socialize and have fun.  The community recognizes that we have to respect and listen to our students as their voices tell a story that allows us to become strong vibrant and resilient community.

Where did the data go?  Well, one thing for certain - it provides the foundation to change and become a stronger learning community where a caring and nurturing environment is fostered by the students themselves.

Walk Humbly!

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