Saturday, August 20, 2016

Holy Spirit 2016/17 School Year


Holy Spirit School welcomes our elementary students and their families to an inclusive learning community. Our school vision, celebrates a learning environment which is safe, open, and academically challenging; a place where everyone is treated with dignity and respect; a place where Catholic morals and values are taught, modeled and practiced.  This year, Calgary Catholic’s faith theme is “Mercy: Be merciful, just like your father is merciful” Luke 6:36. We look forward to implementing this theme while continuing to “Do Justice, Love Kindness and Walk Humbly with God” Micah 6:8.

We trust this post finds you all energized and as refreshed as we are here at school. We are looking forward to a smooth school start-up and a fantastic fall. The excitement continues as we continue to build a Catholic Community of Caring where all children can and will be successful. We are eager to work with children and to celebrate their uniqueness, their beauty and their love for learning!

I am excited to continue my journey in my second year with this incredible school community. My name is Greg Woitas and I am the principal at Holy Spirit. I have been an educator for 25 years with Calgary Catholic, teaching many areas of the curriculum from grades 4-12. I have been an administrator for 8 years. I am originally from Saskatchewan being raised in Saskatoon and Prince Albert.  I come from a family of educators.  My wife teaches at St. Basil in the city, while we have two teenage girls that attend Calgary Catholic schools.

I have witnessed and experienced that Holy Spirit is a dynamic school community. It is evident that there are strong connections and partnerships between home, school and parish creating a school culture where student success is paramount. I look forward to continue connecting with our returning students, families and staff, and extending a warm welcome to new students and families.  We will work together for the good of each child and to ensure that they experience the most optimum of learning experiences.  Please feel free to contact the school to discuss any matters that affect your child’s education or possible ways that you may support the school in attaining our goals.

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